segunda-feira, 19 de setembro de 2011

Angel Of Lie

I can't control myself,
Your eyes enlightens my world, devouring my soul
Why did you lie to me?

You took me to a line
i can´t cross
now you'd showed your true heart
a dark one with no feelings

There's no way to return
to my life
left in times

You betrayed my heart
making it bleed
there´s nothing
to me left in this

You are my angel of lie
and your lies...
... killed me... | Mais Gothic Recados

domingo, 18 de setembro de 2011


My fallen angel of dark red skies
how to overcome cruelty
Our love is great
but is cursed by cruel eyes
Can love overcome the great brotherhood

Sold souls
to hell run
Lost Tears
flee from sin

What about us?

By Marina Santos

Forever yours ...

p.s - the link will not be broken ... never

O Futuro que já foi presente...

Quando o futuro foi mal aproveitado, e o presente encontra-se em maus lençóis... O futuro é agora em diante???

Silver Dream

Bee loves flowers


Pink flower

Flying on my garden